
I am an accomplished operations manager and project manager. I combine superior learning ability with broad experience to quickly absorb new information and plan a ftting course of action. I then guide team progress to success. I am effective in small operations with a few employees as well as large organizations with hundreds of employees. I adapt easily to the demands of different environments: I have operated in climate-controlled manufacturing facilities and I have many times led crews at exposed outdoor sites. I have occupied an executive offce with my own private washroom, and I recently worked out of a storage container in the desert on a table built out of discarded lumber. I am a visible leader working side-by-side with my team: I once led an operation in an active war zone with a team of 63 men whose mother-tongues were an assortment of languages: Pashto, Hindi, Greek, English, Spanish, Arabic, and Southern Drawl. We all lived in the same rough camp and took our meals together. In spite of the cultural diversity and constant threat to everyone's safety, we completed the project on time, under budget, and with enduring respect for each other.

I relish fnding ways around obstacles: I once resolved an acrimonious corporate dispute by dismissing all the lawyers from a hotel meeting room and then reaching an agreement directly with my business counterpart. This resolved an ongoing lawsuit and saved both companies hundreds of thousands of dollars. Another time, I was leading a small business team deploying a new technology in the feld. During installation, we determined that the system was failing because of a common electrical condition at the site. I proposed a modifcation to the circuit that the factory engineers validated and we then retroftted in the feld. This modifcation resolved the failures and allowed us to complete the installation. My concept was later refned and integrated into standard production runs. At another project, I had specialized equipment held up at the border by customs offcials. I worked with my technical experts to devise an improvised method of moving forward using locally available equipment. We were able to continue progress until the customs issue was resolved and the specialized equipment arrived.

More important than my problem solving prowess, is my ability to anticipate problems and ameliorate them before they occur. I am skilled at balancing risk against reward. I regularly employ analytical tools from simple spreadsheets to monte carlo analysis to understand complex baskets of risks and select the course of action with the highest probability of favorable outcome.

I am highly effective in business transformation: As a consultant to a small business in a third world country, I once led a team to move their accounting system from unruled paper and an abacus to a modern small business accounting system. I educated them in the fundamentals of western accounting, and then helped them develop their chart of accounts, their policies for revenue and expense recognition, and their reports to management. As a corporate offcer in a Fortune 500 company, I once acquired a small family-led business, and then led the family business' employees through their integration into a manufacturing corporation ten times larger. Both of these transformations bore long term success.

Not only have I mastered business operations, I am a skilled project manager: I have managed complex projects with hundreds of discrete tasks using PERT and CP methologies, and I have managed small projects using only a calendar and action list. I routinely parse dozens of pages of technical requirements into actionable tasks whose costs can be budgeted and tracked. I carefully collaborate with technical experts to ensure that all customer requirements are incorporated into the project plan, and that the team does not assume in any extraneous requirements. This ensures that we satisfy the customer without spending any more than necessary. Once, as a manager of a proposal team, I challenged the engineers to simplify their design. After a few iterations, we were able to give the customer the required functionality and reduce the price of our fnal offer by 25 percent.

You will fnd me to be both conceptual and hands-on with the details. I fuidly work across different timezones, calendars, and cultures. I excel at improvising with the resources at hand. I am internally- driven and results-oriented. I balance the need for precision against the law of diminishing returns; I quickly determine which variables affect success and which variables have very little infuence on outcome. I posess excellent written and verbal communications skills, and my standards of ethics and integrity are the highest. I perform best where I have wide latitude to evaluate, act, and follow through. I make sound decisions and expect to be held accountable for results.

If you are in need of someone to start a new initiative, turn around a failed one, or take a venture to the next level, please contact me.